Hey Ya’ll!

By the grace of your support, I am rolling into my fourth year with Curl Flip. My fourth anniversary was on May 6th, 2024, and I am so excited to have made it this far. It is not an easy journey, but I have no regrets about the path I decided to embark on.

With this new business year approaching, I am reaching out to my community for help advancing my business. If you know me, you know that I take Curl Flip seriously, and I aim to grow this business into something greater.

Unfortunately, I cannot do it alone, and I am reaching out to my community for help.

If you donate or support my business, I appreciate it more than you know.

xo, Yanna

What is Curl Flip?

The Story.

During the pandemic, I started Curl Flip in May 2020 due to my love of black hair care. It started with a jar of Curl Butta and grew into an online shop featuring products geared towards protective styling. I had the vision to create an online beauty supply that is black-owned and provides GREAT quality products at reasonable prices, and so far, I am doing just that.

My head wraps came to the website in August 2020 and instantly became among my best sellers and most highlighted products. Most people know me for my wraps more than any other product, and I’m okay with that.

The Mission.

I aim to provide top-quality products that protect hair and help you along your healthy hair care journey.

Why do you need help?

I am looking to grow Curl Flip and make day-to-day operations more efficient. Being the sole provider and employee is a lot for one person. Within the next year (or two), I am looking to gain:

Manufacturing: I cut, sew, and package all of my wraps, bandanas, Butta Bands, and scrunchies myself. Some weeks, it is hard to keep up with the demand, so I am looking to hire a manufacturer to help me produce my products. ESTIMATE STARTING COST: $2000

ADs: Curl Flip has run ORGANICALLY successfully for four years. While that is a great accomplishment, I would love to remove as much of the day-to-day manual labor of social media as possible. ESTIMATE STARTING COST: $1500

PR: Exposure is necessary for a growing business. I need to get my products in the right room, around the right people. That said, I hope to add a publicist to my team. ESTIMATE STARTING COST: $625 Weekly/$2500 Monthly

Rebranding: Curl Flip needs a facelift. I am looking to design a new logo and add more eye-catching packaging. Along with a photo shoot to reflect the new branding. ESTIMATE COST: $2500

Supplies: All products are handmade. Some of my tools must be replaced or upgraded to make day-to-day operations more efficient. ESTIMATE COST: $2,500

GOAL: $11,000

I know what you’re thinking... Girl, that is A LOT of money!

It is, and that's just to start, not maintain. *faints to the floor*.

From an honest perspective, running a business costs a lot, especially if your goal is to GROW. I am trying my hardest to take routes that won't accumulate debt. I am reaching out for help from my community, applying for grants, and trying my hardest to get my product into as many hands as I can to help.

While I know those are considerable amounts, I am thankful for any contribution I receive, whether big or small, because all of it will get me to my goal!

Again, thank you all in advance!

How Can I Support?


This option is a simple PayPal donation. You can send an amount that is comfortable for you. Big or small, I appreciate it all.

Buy Me A Coffee

Buy you a what? Yes, a coffee. This is another cute way to donate to your favorite creator or small business owner. Do I actually buy coffee? I could. However, the proceeds from this will help me grow my business. I'm okay with using my Keriug for now.

Additional ways to Support


All purchases help my business grow. If you are new to Curl Flip, WELCOME!

My best sellers are my minimal to no slip or tension head wraps and Curl Butta.

Gift CF

I understand my products are not for everyone, and that's okay. Maybe a loved one near and dear to you will love them. You can gift them a Curl Flip gift card, so you are doing two good deeds in one.

So far, I have raised 1,453.08!!

Fundraising thermometer icon












Thank you all so much. I cannot wait to put this money to use and grow Curl Flip. I am excited to add the products you have requested, hire much-needed help, and more!

While I am nowhere near my goal, I appreciate the support so far and know I WILL get there. Any amount, big or small, is appreciated and helpful towards my goal. Thank you again!

-Yanna ✌🏽

Thank you for reading, sharing and dontating! I will share a weekly update on my Facebook and Instagram.

Curl Mate Love